My very first memory of Isaac was when we both were put on a detail to paint our Unit’s wall to match the staircase. We were joking around most of the time, and you know you have met your best friend in 2 types of ways. 1 is when you hate each other’s guts and the 2nd would be when you instantly clicked and become inseparable, and im fortunate to say we fell into the latter. Our friendship started with painting and it blossomed into him meeting my family via video chatting, into him moving into one of my cousins house and meeting my mom and other relatives. Isaac became more than just a Best friend. He became Family and there’s a lot of things i could write about my time with him but no words can explain what he has done for me or how this Sweetheart of a soul made me a better person. I will always love and cherish all the memories we had together. It is going to be hard to forget about you Isaac because you’re one of a kind.