Uncle George I wanted to thank you for giving my dad some of the happiest times of his life when you bought The “Farm”. I’ve never seen him happier when you and Gus started cultivating the vacant fields and you allowed dad to plant the family vegetable garden. He did have a green thumb when it came to his veggies.
Our two families had some wonderful Thanksgiving celebrations together; one in particular I would like to say a personal thank you to because you had the patience to teach me how to play Cribbage.
I’ll never forget playing softball for Kelley’s on 35th Street. There was a game where you were ejected from the bench/park but that didn’t stop you from coaching us outside the fence. I honestly can’t say if we won or lost but knowing you didn’t walk away on us was admirable.
What better time to rekindle your friendships now that mom has joined you and dad.
Love Jeanie