I hope both you and Mark truly understand what you did for mom. There could be no greater love than to take care of the needs she could no longer take care of herself. It was so hard on all of us at first because mom was so independent. But eventually I know she understood the unselfish love that you gave to her. She came to depend on you as a child would their parents. What Mark did for mom was the most unselfish thing I have ever seen a man do for a woman. It didn’t matter to him that she wasn’t his mother, he loved her and put her in front of himself. I know it was so hard on both of you, but you didn’t hesitate to keep mom safe, happy, clean and healthy for as long as God was willing. I love you both and you will always hold a special place in my heart. Because of you and Mark, I was able to relax a little when I wasn’t with her, and that meant a lot because she was my life……If you ever need me, either of you, I will be here. Love you Kris