I met this beautiful and strong lady when I was 17 years old when my sister in law Beatrice took me to eat dinner at the Texas Restaurant. We talked with Chepa for a bit while we were there and before I knew it I had a part job working there for many years on and off. Only one problem I knew very little Spanish and the majority of customers spoke Spanish but I learned fast with her help. She always treated me like I was part of her family ( and that meant getting yelled at when you would do something she didn’t like 🙂 She was the only boss I ever had that would take her employees out for breakfast after you finished work at 5am at George Webbs . She was an amazing,kind , hard working lady.
I have so many fond memories of her and the entire Luna family.
My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
RIH Chepa
I am sure those yellow roses were waiting for you there.