Obit Entry

Natalie Lameka

I first met Joe when he was a patient of mine at Columbia St Mary's a few years ago. Although I had known Kathy for quite some time by then, I had never met Joe. He was very quick to ask me if I knew Kathy, and went on to tell me what a great

Matthew & Vincenza Berry

I lived downstairs from Joe's parents on the Eastside when I was a kid. Joe was such a cool guy. He played Sports, owned a pizza place, I would see him jogging through the neighborhood and race him on my bike. I ran into him a couple times as an adult, he was still the

george gomez

To my friend Joey, To much to say in one sentence. But I Always enjoyed our company together, from the brewers bleachers when we were young , and our laughs over the years. Ill miss you. Have a good Journey, Your Friend George


Condolences ~ Great childhood mems Eastside Maryland Ave playground Lake Park Downer Ave & St Pete’s Rest easy Joey

Bret Goodman

I was surprised and saddened to learn about Joe. I have known Joe, Kathy and the whole family for almost 50 years. Joe was a kind and friendly guy. He will be missed by many of us.

Lauren Frunza

Kathy, My family and I continue to wrap you in love and send you all the healing thoughts to guide you through this difficult time. You are not alone, and you are loved!

Niece Deb M.

Years ago, remember being welcomed to their home for overnight stays when traveling from afar. I enjoyed being in the kitchen with the parents and all the children (a happy tight fit) and when in the living room could count on Aunt Dorothy's pomeranian dog being there. When grandpa was up north in the elder

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