Obit Entry

george gomez

To my friend Joey, To much to say in one sentence. But I Always enjoyed our company together, from the brewers bleachers when we were young , and our laughs over the years. Ill miss you. Have a good Journey, Your Friend George

Lauren Frunza

Kathy, My family and I continue to wrap you in love and send you all the healing thoughts to guide you through this difficult time. You are not alone, and you are loved!

Suzanne Blum

Dear Kathy, my heart is heavy for you Please know how much Joe was loved and I always use to love seeing his friendly face when I’d come into Zaffiros. Such a nice man. Courage to you and the family. (imagine seeing Tommy right above Joe.) It all saddens me. Be well.

Niece Deb M.

Years ago, remember being welcomed to their home for overnight stays when traveling from afar. I enjoyed being in the kitchen with the parents and all the children (a happy tight fit) and when in the living room could count on Aunt Dorothy's pomeranian dog being there. When grandpa was up north in the elder

Gary and Corie Ward

Very sorry to hear of your loss. We did not know Joe but Gary wanted to let you know the only thing he misses at work is people like you! With Love, Gary and Corie

Mikey Ward

Joe! “What the Fock!” Among many fun things over the years, you were the one who made me a fan of Art Kumbalek, eagerly waiting for each week’s Shepherd! R.I.P. See you at the next tavern!

Gary Greco

Joey , we had some great times together my friend you will be missed love ya brother RIP!!

Michelle Rivero

I didn’t know Joe for longer than 8 months, but every time I stepped out my back door I was reassured to see him and his giant headphones, just relaxing in the summer sun which always made me smile. I feel privileged to have known Joe, even shortly, and his insatiable love for life, his

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