Obit Entry


Tom, I will miss you so much. The day I met you, you were so nice. As the years went in you treated me as a daughter, you always told me you loved me and I told you I loved you. We had great memories from our crazy Christmas Day trip driving to georgia, the


Uncle Tom I can’t believe you are gone you will never be forgotten. I will always remember the fun I had with you growing up you were a second dad to me. I will join you someday and we will start all over again.Rest in peace.

Dawn Lepak Wadzinski

Mike and family, I am so deeply sorry upon hearing of Tom's passing. Was it just 2 months ago when you both met my daughter, Shelley, at a car show? I was looking forward to visiting with him on my next trip to Milwaukee. I will treasure, more, the memories I have when we were

michael sirna

i knew joe since he was a little kid. joe and brother mike at maryland ave playground always together hanging around with all us older guys. there were so many of us sicilians on that playground , it should have been called santelia ave playground. fun times . great friends. when i would see joe

Mikey Ward

Joe! “What the Fock!” Among many fun things over the years, you were the one who made me a fan of Art Kumbalek, eagerly waiting for each week’s Shepherd! R.I.P. See you at the next tavern!

Michelle Rivero

I didn’t know Joe for longer than 8 months, but every time I stepped out my back door I was reassured to see him and his giant headphones, just relaxing in the summer sun which always made me smile. I feel privileged to have known Joe, even shortly, and his insatiable love for life, his


Pa, I can't belive you are gone. Being your daughter-in-law was an honor. I loved how you loved your family and friends. When I would get on a laughing jig you always laughed with me. You came to my rescue when I ran out if gas and no one else would come. I miss you


Dad I am going to miss you so much , you have taught me everything that I know , and I appreciate what a great father you have been to me and my family....

Helen Wolf

Knew Tom from we-energies. Was always a good friend and mentor. May he be at peace.


What a void that is left behind. Tom had a big heart a man of integrity and honor. In this lifetime it is a privilege to have him as my friend. Prayers go out to Toms family and all loved ones for peace and comfort in this time of loss.

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