Obit Entry

Pamela Lawson

I am just learning this about Darla. I am so very sorry for the loss of your wife & Mom. I met her once when she was down here in Florida. We had a very nice visit. I am her niece, Ernie’s daughter. They are together in Heaven. Please know that my deepest & most

Katie Grace

Cruz, you will be eternally missed. I love you for the friendship you showed me, but even more for the way you loved my best friend, your soul mate, the love of your life. Please know I will forever look after her the same way I know you will be watching over her. The love

Ur bambina

We had so much more of life to do together my love but I promise u that I will keep ur name an memories alive

Pastor Precious James Ankum.

Mummy Darla McLean i was shocked when I heard that you are gone. Iam a better children Sunday school teacher today is because of you, and I will never forget your efforts in my life. Rest in peace Mom.

Diane Levendusky Farah

Richard was a kind, person in our youth. I remember them losing their father at a very young age. God bless them. Paulette you are in my thoughts and prayers.

FUPCI family Kaduna state

Mum, our heart was broken when heard the news that you've gone home to be with the Lord whom you served. Your missionary visit to Kaduna last year was prophetic, we will for eternity remain greatful for that visitation, the lives of our wife's(women) was transformed by your messages, God truly arranged that program, your

Rev. Reny S. Ogbonna

A Rare Gem Dear mum, you left us heart broken but we canmot question God who took you when we most needed you around us. i and my family are going to miss you a great deal. Thanks for all the good things you taught me while in MTC and Jesus all Centre Church! I

saleem aman

Darla your are in our hearts and minds! we will miss you with deepest sympathy Saleem Aman

Samuel Tabe

Mum, your demise saddened my heart so deeply. Words can't express how much impact you had on my life and ministry. Your were a woman of few words but much love, wisdom and care. Your passion for Christ ingrained in me a desire to seek Him more. I'm going to miss you till the day

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