Obit Entry


Mom Darla McLean when I saw a message in my phone that you are no more with us, it was like a dream to me until i called and was confirmed is true. Mom nevertheless you fought a good fight and finished your course is time to go home to wear your crown. We love

FUPCI family Kaduna state

Mum, our heart was broken when heard the news that you've gone home to be with the Lord whom you served. Your missionary visit to Kaduna last year was prophetic, we will for eternity remain greatful for that visitation, the lives of our wife's(women) was transformed by your messages, God truly arranged that program, your

Dana Glodoski

I have had the privilege to have many conversations with Darla over the years, but my favorite was this past New Years Day. I was able to spend several hours with her and of course the main topic was Missions. She shared many stories of her own, but then began to encourage me in my

Rev. Reny S. Ogbonna

A Rare Gem Dear mum, you left us heart broken but we canmot question God who took you when we most needed you around us. i and my family are going to miss you a great deal. Thanks for all the good things you taught me while in MTC and Jesus all Centre Church! I

saleem aman

Darla your are in our hearts and minds! we will miss you with deepest sympathy Saleem Aman

David O. Roberts

I met Mom early 2003. When I became the district secretary/treasurer, Mom took me aside and thought me basics of keeping Financial records and reporting which has been a great blessing to my life and ministry. I love the way she organized things with details. Thank you Mom, you'll always remain indelible in my mind.

Cassi Harper

Though we did not have the privilege of spending a lot of time around Darla, we have had the privilege of considering her children, Brian and Laura McLean, some of our dearest friends. Darla’s love for God and others, her strive for excellence, her ability to touch the throne of God in prayer, and her

Bonnie Guerra

I only knew Darla for a short time. This was when lifeway met in Nathan hale high school. I was happy to see her when she was in town and often would sit with her and as elders do shared our aches and pain as we both had "new" knees. So very sorry to hear

Michelle Ellis

We meet you all in Botswana in 1996. We were new to the faith. Darla and Gerry were undoubtedly one of our first examples of Christian love. I always admired the love that your parents had for one another. They had such a solid, happy marriage. I remember that Darla was a fantastic cook. I

Peter Ugondo

Mum, I thought going home was the US, little did I know you were heading to heaven. After you made sure I am comfortable in my new marriage, you couldn't wait to see the children. I will miss your smiles, cheers and care. Death we know, is the sure path for mortals to pass to

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