Mum Darla is a passionate, visionary woman of God, her zeal for the things of God is fascinating and awesome.
She was with us last year in Kaduna, a city in northern part of Nigeria for the first time with daddy Maclean, dad has been with us several times in this part of the Nigeria not minding the risk of coming just to make sure we are revived and re awakened to the truth of the gospel.
When dad told us he will be coming with mum last year we all joyfully welcome the idea,knowing fully well that Dad and mum will be returning to USA this year.
Mum preached in our church the Sunday morning of her visit in our service of 6:30am Before we got to her hotel room to pick her for the service she was already set. She preached on “our service to God” it was a complete gospel message that morning. Our brethren were awaken in their zeal for God.
After the visit to us I demanded for the complete message mum preached to our women in FUPCI kaduna ,She preached a classic message of HOLINESS to our Fupci women in all the morning meetings at kaduna.
Oh precious mum, Without hesitation she sent all the messages to me through the flash drive…
I will never forget your impact in my life and ministry…
Those e books dad ask you to sent to me from USA to help my Bible school lesson is still with me.
Mum your home going to be with the Lord is so painful to us.,, but our consolation is that your live speaks on and you went fulfilled…
I posted the letter dad wrote to us to announce the news in our church watsapp group.. The responses of our members prove to me that mum’s visit to our church in kaduna was highly impactful.They wrote powerful words about mum. In summary…mum you came ,You labored for the lord and returned home to be with the Lord at divine appointment. your work speaks on… Sleep on mum till we meet to part no more… We pray for the comfort of the Lord Jesus to abide with dad, the family and all of us.