Alex Bruce Dicker

obit template2018-11-29T12:10:12+00:00

Alex  Bruce

Celebration of Life for Alex Bruce Dicker, 11:00 AM, Saturday, September 21, 2024, at Full Gospel Church 2830 S. River Road, West Bend, WI 53095

Alex Bruce Dicker

1957  –  2024


On August 3, 2024, Alex Bruce Dicker, Age 67, finished his earthly journey unexpectedly and joined His heavenly father.  He was preceded in death by his father; Curt Dicker, mother; Gertrude Wittmoser, and sister Patti.   He is survived by his spouse; Judith Dicker; Brother Evans (Hans)Dicker, sister-in law: Cathleen Ali; brother Curt and family; Sister, Carmen and brother-in-law Don Lettre and family; and many nephews, nieces and their families.

Alex Bruce, better known as Bruce, was vibrant, charming, and lovable. Many times, his personality was described as “bigger than life”.  He could walk in and light up a room with his vivacious smile, craziness and sense of humor. He loved life and continually strived at staying positive, uplifting the spirits and encouraging others around him.  His objective was to make others laugh and forget about their problems.

One of the best descriptions of Bruce was given by a friend, “You could be in a large room, full of people, but when talking with Bruce, he would make you feel you were the only one in the room.”  Bruce did his best to be compassionate and kind.  To him, everyone mattered; rich or poor, young or old, everyone he met or communicated with was a person of importance and value.

He was extremely studious, and an avid reader on a wide variety of topics.  He was intelligent, college educated and received training in Washington DC, Virginia and received many certifications in advanced education and extensive training in his fields of employment.  He was the recipient of numerous awards, letters of appreciation, and accommodations for his ability as a team player, a speaker and lecturer, and for working on and completing special projects during his employment.

Bruce was a world traveler to over 40 countries, and worked at several US Embassies, and US Consulates; his last position was at NATO in Brussels, Belgium.

Earlier in his career he was a full-time professional Magician.  After retiring from being full time he continued to be a member of the world-famous magic castle in Hollywood California and perform Embassies and US Consulate functions in many countries of the world, attended by Ambassadors, high raking military officials, dignitaries and politicians. One of the most significant performances was for the Enchanted Ball at the US Ambassador’s house in Moscow, Russia.

Bruce had the ability to oversee and build a structure from the ground up. He also loved buying and selling antiques and collectibles, he was a published author, an artist, and skilled as a guitarist.

Bruce was fully dedicated to his religious beliefs and acknowledged God as the creator and his friend.  A God that not only was his friend but wanted to be a friend to everyone, giving hope and helping them meet any challenges they faced.

Bruce was a sensitive, attentive and caring husband and he made his wife Judy feel cherished and loved. He deeply cared about his family and friends. The world was a better place while Alex Bruce Dicker was here.  He will be greatly missed by his family and friends.

Celebration of Life for Alex Bruce Dicker, 11:00 AM, Saturday, September 21, 2024, at Full Gospel Church 2830 S. River Road, West Bend, Wisconsin 53095


  1. Jennifer (Olson) Davis September 10, 2024 at 10:09 am - Reply

    I’m so sorry for the loss of Bruce. He was a bright light and the world is a bit darker without him here.

  2. Judith K Dicker September 10, 2024 at 11:13 am - Reply

    Bruce was my best friend, soul mate, and love of my life! We laughed, cried together and traveled the world. Living with him was an adventure; a great one. He faced every challenge in life doing his best to keep a positive attitude. He had a loud hardy laugh and he loved to tease me and make me laugh. Many times he refused to go out with his buddies so that he could spend time with me. I encouraged him to get out more but it did make me feel really loved when he told me he would rather be with me. When he did get with others he was the life of the party. He was compassionate and kind to, not only me, but lived his life trying to make others feel valued and important. I miss him so much but take comfort in knowing he is in a better place.

  3. Steven Anderson September 13, 2024 at 3:18 am - Reply

    My sincere condolences for your loss. In a year of working with Bruce here at USNATO, I never observed him without a smile on his face- no matter how gloomy the weather. His consistently positive attitude was appreciated by all with whom he came in contact. Reading this obituary, it is clear he brought the same enthusiasm and cheer in to all his relationships and pursuits. Thinking of Bruce’s family and close friends at this difficult time.

  4. Rick Holtzapple September 14, 2024 at 12:17 am - Reply

    Deepest condolences to the entire family. Bruce was a treasured colleague at the U.S. Mission to NATO. Always ready with a kind word and a warm smile, and showing genuine interest in everyone he met. We miss him.

    Rick Holtzapple
    Deputy Chief of Mission, USNATO

  5. Julie Smith September 16, 2024 at 7:05 am - Reply

    Bruce was a bright light here in the U.S. Mission to NATO. He never let the stress of our mission here get to him. Instead, he lifted up all his colleagues with his laugh, great stories, and his smile. He made everyone feel appreciated and heard. He is deeply missed. Condolences to his wife Judy and his wider family.

    Julie Smith
    Ambassador, U.S. Mission to NATO

  6. Nate Apel September 16, 2024 at 8:55 pm - Reply

    Bruce was a one of a kind and a key part of my childhood. I have so many great memories of working with him on rental properties, assisting him with his magic shows, him teaching me funny German words and his prank calls.
    Bruce brought laughter to every room he was in. He visited me in the hospital when I had lung surgery and I was laughing so hard I probably did more damage.
    There’s so much more I could say, but words can’t capture the profound impact he had on my life.
    He is deeply missed.

  7. Robert Mehre September 17, 2024 at 8:26 pm - Reply


    Bruce Dicker was my brother in the Lord, my friend and someone who earned my love as a great person. When Bruce first started to attend The Apostolic Bible Church he was in a motorcycle accident I visited him in the hospital. All the doctors and nurses I saw got along and liked Bruce. It was the first time I prayed for Bruce alone.. When I found out Bruce was gonna marry best friend and sister by another mother Judy Wasmundt I was very happy for them. When I expressed my feelings to Bruce I added that I liked Judy’s other dummy Randy Dandy better than her new one. (Judy and her dummy Randy Dandy had a Children’s ministry). During one his ministry/magic shows Bruce asked me to come up and help him, which I did. He had a rat trap I had a few just like that at home. Bruce set the trap off several times he would string the trap with a piece of wood, it almost snapped the wood. Bruce asked me if I trusted him I said I did he asked me this question several more times then told me to put my hand in the rat trap and set off the trigger. I looked at Bruce and almost put my right hand in the trap then pulled it out saying just in case and tripped the trigger with my left hand and nothing happened. There was some way he could disarm the trap. But Bruce was an excellent preacher, I really enjoyed his messages. I still find it hard to except the fact that Bruce is not with us on God’s green grass. But I plan on seeing Bruce again when on that glorious day when Jesus comes back to claim his bride. 1 Thess 4:16 For the Lord himself shall descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel, and with the trump of God: and the dead in Christ shall rise first: 17 Then we which are alive and remain shall be caught up together with them in the clouds, to meet the Lord in the air: and so shall we ever be with the Lord. 18 Wherefore comfort one another with these words.
    One picture of Bruce sitting on Judy’s lap. (almost)

  8. Brenda Walter Aguirre September 18, 2024 at 9:12 am - Reply

    BRUCE, a true legend, There will never be another one like him. Yes, he was larger than life. I am heartbroken for his loss and the loss for Judy. Being left by a husband of 45 years, I know my heart aches for her.
    Bruce is the one person that could make me just laugh. He always made you feel welcome and was a great friend.
    I am truly torn that I can be in Wisconsin for his celebration of Life. But if any one deserves a life to celebrate, it is Bruce Dicker.

  9. kenneth meyer (retired DOD) September 18, 2024 at 6:25 pm - Reply

    I was shocked to hear about the passing Bruce and certainly want to share some memories and praise.
    This was a person who made a significant contribution to our diplomatic work abroad.
    I have often heard the phrase, “His life was beyond the normal” 0r something like this. Such a remark is frequently merely a polite comment, but in Bruce’s case, especially in the last 17 or so years, his life was anything but ordinary or normal. This was a person who served as a contractor at our missions abroad in Moscow, Kabul, Shanghai and Brussels–frequently in a hostile or high-stress environment. I knew him during my tour in Shanghai (2010-13), where we would frequently see each other in the hallways, go out to lunch (I remember us going to various hole-in-the-wall establishments for lunch–many colleagues wouldn’t be brave enough to patronize such places, but Bruce was). I knew that whenever I bounced a problem off Bruce to hear his thoughts, he would come back with a commonsensical suggestion. We also socialized outside the office. We kept in touch after I departed Shanghai, since we shared interests in history and coin-collecting.
    I wish Bruce had entered the State Department or Defense Department (or take your pick of any department) at an early age, as he had a unique ability to cope with any environment or difficulties, while maintaining an admirable sang froid. Regarding the latter, many people are said to possess this trait, but few really do.
    He was characterized by a wonderful sense of humor–as many of the other people above have commented–but he also could capture an audience on the street instantly by pulling a rose out of the ear of someone at a flea market, or at a social event. Of course I’m referring here to his talents as a magician. But his magic didn’t end with tricks and sleights-of-hand. He exemplified the adage, “Always remember the big picture.” In other words, he wasn’t knocked off-balance by peripheral difficulties.
    He could also do a rendering on his guitar of any standard rock song that Secretary of State Blinken might envy.
    As a so-called “China hand,” I marveled more than once at his ability to capture the attention of and secure the goodwill of any crowd, without even knowing any of the language. “He’s doing a better job at promoting good relations than most ambassadors,” I said–but of course, I didn’t say this too loudly. And this comes around to the point that when you’re working overseas, everybody is an ambassador for the U.S.–whether you want to be or not. Bruce was a very effective one. Thanks amigo.

  10. Jonathan Seidel September 19, 2024 at 4:29 am - Reply

    You know, of all the people I ever met, Bruce was certainly one of them. And if you knew Bruce, he’d have told you the same thing, about 10 times and yet it never got old. He was the type of guy you couldn’t forget because his personality was larger than life. He always had a corny joke to tell, since after all, his uncle was a “kernel” so he told me. he he was a character, and he always made my day.

    Bruce was my dear friend, and he will be greatly missed, I will remember and cherish the fun and goofy times we had together at work and going on the hunt at flea markets. He loved his wife Judy dearly, as he expressed to me many times. More importantly, he had a strong faith in Christ. He told me if it wasn’t for Jesus saving his life when he was a young man, he wouldn’t be here. Jesus changed the very direction and course of his life, and as a result he was able to impact a multitude of people by spreading the joy and good news of our Lord and Saviour. Rest well my friend. And may God bless your family and and thank you for the good memories,

  11. Michael King September 19, 2024 at 7:14 am - Reply

    Though my time knowing Bruce was short, he always had a smile and a quick wit about him when he stopped by to chat. I recall interrupting his mid morning snack and he offered me his, which I politely refrained. That is the type of man he was; caring, sharing, compassionate, funny, knowledgeable, and persistent. He is missed.

  12. Lynda Smith September 19, 2024 at 4:44 pm - Reply

    I’m so sorry to hear about Bruce passing. I know it hurts everyday. I remember him being funny and helpful and a great friend to anybody he met. Judy I will call you I think about you two often . I know he loved you and you see it . I hope you are able to talk to him and see him before he went to our Heavenly father. Call me anytime you want to I don’t know that I can do any thing but listen. I’m sorry and will pray for God to have his hand on your shoulder . always!

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