obit templateheritagefunera2018-11-29T12:10:12+00:00
Anna L.

Anna L.
Grosgalvis, Anna Livia
Passed to Eternal Life Monday, November 4, 2013 at the age of 70. Beloved wife of Uldis and loving mother of Vija and Uldi. Survived by brothers John and Andy, sister Banga and many dear relatives and friends. A graduate of Marquette University, she retired from Milwaukee Public Schools after many years of serving as a Mathematics Curriculum Instructor Supervisor. She will always be remembered for her kindness and the love she showed to others. She will be greatly missed. Visitation at Latvian Ev. Lutheran Church (1853 N. 75th Street) Thursday, November 14, 4:30 PM until time of service at 5:30 PM.
Great teacher who not only taught but encouraged her students. Her caring was unmatched. I was blessed to be in her advanced math classes at Lincoln for two wonderful years.