Hannah Paige
Oftentimes on this side of heaven there are no explanations and no answers, there is only faith. Faith in the One who has all the explanations and answers such as why some are given a lifetime of days in which to live while others are given a mere breath in time. Hannah Paige Loustaunau was a gift given to her family for such a brief time, but having never uttered a word, the quiet whispers of her very presence spoke volumes in the lives of those far too numerous to count. Hannah’s life was placed in His hands long before her face was ever seen, the very same hands that have now made her perfect in every way – a blessed comfort to her loved ones in the midst of their storm.
The journey that would become Hannah’s began while her family was just beginning to anticipate what life would be like with four children that were five and under in their home. Her parents, Mike and Patricia (Giebe) Loustaunau, were beginning to prepare their three boys for the arrival of a new brother or sister when they learned that there could be some developmental problems with the baby that was growing within Patricia’s womb. The doctors were unable to provide any specific information and recommended an amniocentesis to glean more specific information about the baby. Together Mike and Patricia decided that no matter what information they might gain from this test that carried risks of its own, they would be carrying this baby to full term. At that time they decided that rather than rely on medical technology, they would place their unwavering faith in God regarding this new little life instead.
In fact it was this same faith that brought the Loustaunau family to the Milwaukee area not long ago. Mike and Patricia took their three young boys, Christian, Adam, and Aaron from Arizona to Wisconsin early in 2008. They were looking for a warm community in which to raise their family and to serve God in whatever way they felt called. Rich in culture, history, and diversity Milwaukee, which is nestled along the southwestern shores of Lake Michigan, felt like a perfect fit.
As the days of Patricia’s pregnancy passed by, their family was eagerly awaiting the arrival of their latest blessing, knowing that no matter what issues the baby faced, this was indeed the baby that was part of His perfect plan. On September 18, 2009 at 11:52 p.m., Hannah Paige was born at Froedtert Memorial Lutheran Hospital in Wauwatosa, Wisconsin. She was almost immediately transferred to the Children’s Hospital of Wisconsin which is adjacent to the hospital where she was born. Shortly thereafter, Hannah was diagnosed with Trisomy 13, a chromosomal abnormality in which the afflicted patient has three copies of the 13th chromosome instead of the usual pair. Those born with this condition often suffer from a variety of physical and mental developmental challenges, and this proved to be true in Hannah’s case too.
While Hannah remained in the hospital, Mike and Patricia remained by her side as well to surround her with their love. She touched their hearts and lives in such a special way, but Hannah’s touch didn’t end there. In the six days of her life, Hannah impacted the lives of her immediate family and her extended family, as well as the lives of many of her parent’s friends and the doctors and nursing staff that were tending to her needs. Although she never uttered a word, Hannah taught others so many lessons in love, faith in God, and in graceful strength.
Mike and Patricia were soon faced with the agonizing decision of whether or not to keep Hannah on life support. As they had so many times before, they decided to place their precious Hannah in the hands of their Lord and God, Jesus Christ. Hannah was removed from life support on Wednesday, September 23 at around 5:00 p.m. She was certainly a fighter during this time and continued to live without the assistance of a ventilator for an additional day. After displaying vast amounts of strength laced with the magnificent grace of an angel, Hannah Paige drew her last breath on Thursday, September 24th at 5:40 p.m. while surrounded by her loving and adoring parents.
Known as “Baby Hannah” to her three loving big brothers, Hannah Paige’s death leaves a chasm in the hearts and lives of those who loved her – a chasm that seems so unending. She was a delightful gift to be enjoyed by so many, yet her flame was extinguished much too soon. Although they say goodbye for now, her loved ones rejoice in knowing that she is no longer struggling, but is walking hand in hand with her Lord. They look forward to meeting again one day along the crystal shores. Until that time, Hannah will be dearly missed and warmly remembered.
Hannah Paige Loustaunau died at the age of 6 days old. Hannah’s family includes her loving parents, Michael and Patricia Loustaunau; her three big brothers, Christian, Adam and Aaron; her grandparents, Rose Garrett and Frances and Jimmy Hefley; as well as other relatives and friends. Family and friends will gather in remembrance on Monday, September 28, 2009, at Parkway Apostolic Church 10940 S Nicholson Road, Oak Creek, WI 53154 from 5:00 p.m. until time of the Memorial Service at 6:00 p.m. Please visit www.lifestorynet.com, where you can leave a memory or photo or sign the online guestbook. Arrangements provided by Suminski Family Funeral Home, 2486 S. Kinnickinnic Ave 53207 414-7454-5156.
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