Saavedra II
Although there are countless questions that will remain unanswered on this side of heaven, those who believe in God can rest soundly in the knowledge that this life is not the end. It is with this in mind that Josué and Desiree Saavedra find comfort in knowing that their precious son is resting in the arms of his Creator, healthy and whole. The life of Josué II is a testament to the power of prayer, and through his life in the womb he inspired so many to believe in the miracles that can come through the heartfelt cries of many. No matter how long or how short, each life is a gift to be celebrated including the life of Josué II, who will remain forever near and dear to the hearts of those too numerous to count.
Life during the early part of 2013 was a flurry of activity for the bustling family of Josué and Desiree (Bustillos) Saavedra as they discovered that they were expecting another child later that fall. President Barack Obama had just taken the oath of office for the second time while much of the East Coast was still struggling to put the pieces back together that Hurricane Sandy left in her wake late in October of the prior year. It was in February of 2013 that Desiree and Josué were delighted with the idea of welcoming their third child into their hearts and home, joining their two children, Paul Joseph and his sister, Isabella Mia.
Desiree’s pregnancy was without incident during the early months, and having been pregnant twice before there was nothing to cause her any alarm. Both she and Josué looked to their routine ultrasound during her 19th week as they were excited to learn whether they would be blessed with a second son or a second daughter. From the time the appointment was scheduled after Desiree’s 16 week appointment at the doctor’s office the couple could hardly wait. Their excitement quickly turned to alarm the day of the ultrasound, however, as a rare problem was detected when the baby was discovered to be developing outside of the uterus. Although there was great risk to the life of Desiree as the developing baby could cause excessive bleeding in her abdomen, leading to potential blood loss, she refused to heed the advice of doctors and staff to terminate the pregnancy. She would have no part of ending the life of her son whose heart was still beating.
The weeks that followed this life-altering day found Desiree being treated by specialists who monitored both the condition of herself and her growing baby very carefully. There were repeated ultrasounds and an M.R.I. that kept the medical staff completely aware of her status.
With unshakable faith, it was Desiree and Josué’s prayer during this time that God would protect Josué II. They envisioned that God would surround their growing son with a protective uterus that would allow him to continue developing and growing. Each time the medical staff offered to terminate the pregnancy, Desiree refused. Both she and Josué prayed for a miracle, and that God’s will would be done. They were joined in their fervent prayer by numerous family members and friends who all believed in the incredible power of prayer.
Life was forever changed for Desiree, Josué, and their family as their weekly visit on June 27th was drastically different from the previous visits. Changes were detected during the ultrasound, and it was while watching the small screen filled with their son’s image that Desiree witnessed the heartbeat of her son stop. Although her appointments were never easy, witnessing little Josué II’s last heartbeat was understandably a very emotional experience. About two hours later, Desiree was at West Allis Memorial Hospital where she delivered her perfectly formed, but now stillborn son. To their surprise, the doctors found that Josué II was surrounded by special membrane acting like the uterus, which was undetected by the tests. In that moment it was clear that God answered Desiree and Josué’s prayer to protect their unborn son.
Even though he never took a breath in this world, Josué Saavedra II touched the lives of his mother and father, siblings, extended family members and friends, and medical caregivers in such a special way. His life on earth spanned 25 weeks in utero, but his loved ones rejoice in knowing that he will spend eternity in his heavenly home. Josué was deeply loved, and it is in the spirit of this love that his parents, family, and friends hold tightly to each other as they strive to move on despite the gaping hole that his absence leaves in their hearts. He will be forever loved and never forgotten.
Josué Saavedra II died on June 27, 2013. Josué’s family includes his parents, Josué and Desiree Saavedra; siblings, Paul Joseph and Isabella Mia; and other relatives and friends. Visitation will be held on Saturday, July 6, 2013, at Parkway Apostolic Church 10940 S. Nicholson Road, Oak Creek, WI 53154 from 9:30 a.m. until time of the Funeral Service at 10:30 a.m., Interment Good Hope Cemetery, Suminski LifeStory Funeral Home, Niemann / Suminski 414-744-5156. Please visit www.lifestorynet.com where you can leave a favorite memory or photo or sign the online guestbook.
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