obit templateheritagefunera2018-11-29T12:10:12+00:00
Margaret A.
Margaret A.
Margaret Alice Marcoux (Nee Beerheide) “Margie”
Greenfield, WI passed away peacefully while in hospice on January 6, 2025 at St. Lukes Hospital at the age of 71. She was born on July 24, 1953 in Illinois. She loved her husband Darryl Marcoux. She also had a strong faith and loved Jesus and is with him now. She later came to Milwaukee and was educated in fashion merchandising, and Secreterial training and correspondence. Margie is survived by her sister Erna Beerheide and preceded in death by her parents Marian and Ernest Beerheide. No funeral services are planned a memorial service may take place in the future. In lieu of flowers a donation to Elmbrook Church, a special community to Margie would be appreciated.
Bob and I appreciate this information and we are sorry to hear the news. Blessings to all the family and to her friends. Our sincere condolences.
Didn’t know her very well, but know that she was loved by Darrell. Prayers for her soul. Prayers and hugs to our family.
Mary Lou and Bob
Marge was one of my bridesmaids 43 years ago! She always had a sweet demeanor.
We spent the most time together back in our single days when we met on Milwaukee’s east side. We shared our early Christian walk at Elmbrook Church. Her schooling in fashion kept her always conscious of presenting herself with style. Though of very different personality types, she always cared deeply for her sister Erna and spoke often of her. God graciously gave her the devotion and friendship of Darrell to walk with her through the years and especially as her health required his selfless attentiveness. So happy she is safe and secure in the arms of Jesus. My deepest sympathies for the loss. 💕
Marge was such a friendly person I felt comfortable with her right away. She always got us together for our birthday. And other outings. I will miss her. Darryl was a wonderful husband to her.
Although we didn’t see her often in the past few years, Margie was always kind and happy to see us. She was a loving person and will be missed. We send our love and sympathy to her husband Darryl