
Beaty, Bernice M. “Bonnie” nee Warras Sunday April 15, 2007 age 83 years. Dear mother…

Fischer, Sr. Kathryn, OSF formerly Sr. Florian Born to Eternal Life on Sunday April 15, 2007 at age…

Knoblauch, Robert J. Joined his wife Virginia nee Kalitt in Eternal Rest on Sunday April 15, 2007…

Beaty, Bernice M. “Bonnie” nee Warras Sunday April 15, 2007 age 83 years. Beloved wife…

Ehlers, Loretta M. Nee Kloss Died peacefully April 14, 2007 at age 81. Born June 6, 1925 to Joseph…

April 13, 2007, age 61 years. Dear sister of John, Gary Linda, Donna Tom Schnepf, Nancy Ron…

Born December 15, 1923 Died April 12, 2007. Victor was a devoted husband for 57 years to his wife…

Czaplewski, Lawrence A. Bud Mon. April 9, 2007 aged 87 yrs. Beloved husband for 63 years of Hilda…

Born to Eternal Life, Sunday, April 8, 2007 at the age of 87 years. Beloved husband of the late Vi.…

Kalin; Sr. Augustine, OSF Mary Agnes Born to Eternal Life on Friday April 6, 2007 at age 87.…

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