June 9, 2006, age 44 years. Beloved son of Cecilia and the late Gary. Fond brother of Mark. Also…
Phillips, Marlene J., Passed on peacefully to Eternal Life on Thursday June 8, 2006. Beloved wife…
Struzik, Edward J. Monday June 5, 2006 age 91 yrs. Beloved husband of the late Louise nee Pocian.…
Lovrek, Robert L. ?Bob? Born to Eternal Life Sunday, June 4, 2006 at the age of 47 years. Beloved…
Botcher, William F. Jr. Beloved husband, son, father, brother and friend. Passed on to a greater…
Schultz, Robert A. ? Bob? May 29, 2006, age 80 years. Beloved husband of Caryl. Also husband of the…
Bento, Reva “Gail” nee Simpson. Saturday May 27, 2006 age 70 years. Loving mother of…
Tekaver, Stanley C. Thursday, May 25, 2006, age 71 years. Loving husband of Barbara Tekaver Nee…
Wiskowski, Steven John Beloved son and brother, age 21, died suddenly on May 24, 2006 at Froedtert…
Scott, Gertrude Helene C. Age 82, of the Town of Raymond, passed away Saturday, May 20th, at St.…