
Raboin, Emery A. Sunday May 9, 2004 at age 91. Loving father of Barbara Spanheimer of Madison, WI…

Brown, Roy W. Saturday, May 8, 2004, age 97. Beloved husband of the late Frieda E.nee Barske. Dear…

CHRISTNOVICH, JOHN aka Johnny Christian Owner of the Middle Branch Saloon, passed away Thursday ,…

Zingsheim, James W. “Bud” Called by the Lord to the fullness of Eternal Life on Wed.,…

WOJSZKO, Dennis P. Passed away Wed., May 5, 2004 at home after losing his battle with cancer at the…

Knutson, Marguerite Nee Kuhls Wednesday, May 5, 2004 ate 96 years. Beloved wife of 66 years of…

GUTKNECHT, Dolores Emily nee Suelflow of Franksville, WI. Passed away Tuesday May 4, 2004 at All…

Rupprecht, Sr. Celeste, OSF Bertha Born to Eternal Life Sunday, May 2, 2004 at age 94. Survivors…

Saldivar, Louis Thursday, April 29, 2004, age 67. Beloved husband of the late Darlene nee Machnik.…

Bailey, LaVerne Russell “Lee” Found peace Monday, April 26, 2004, surrounded by his…

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