Stobbe, Norman ”Chub” Joined his parents in rest on Wed., May 21, 2002 at age 79. Uncle…
Miller, Bernard R. of Town of Raymond Sat. May 18,2002 age 77yrs. Beloved husband of Dolores nee…
Cherek, Chester S. Called upon by the Lord Friday, May 17, 2002. Age 64years. Loving husband of…
Schutz, Angeline J. nee Mlodzik passed away suddenly on Friday, May 17, 2002. Born March 11, 1921…
Pural, Marion D. Nee Kemp May 17, 2002 age 85 years. Beloved wife of the late Andrew Pural. Dear…
BLANCHE J. LINDEMAN of Caledonia – Blanche J. Lindeman, 78, passed away at home on Tuesday,…
Fergen, Sr. Paula, OSF Colette Born to Eternal Life on Monday May 13, 2002 at age 74. Survivors…
VILLA, DAVID SR. Born to Eternal Life Monday May 13, 2002 age 79 years. Beloved husband of Juanita…
Migacz, Wayne E. Friday, May 10, 2002 at age 59. Loving father of Susan Brian Adkins, Shanna Migacz…
Horn; Erich K. ”Opa” Thrusday May 9, 2002 at age 77. Beloved husband of Elfriede. Dear…