Hazelton, Bryan J. Passed away peacefully with family at his side on March 29th, 2017 at the age of…
William Charles Lorentz (“Bill”), 81, of Milwaukee, died March 29, 2017. He was the…
Leiner, William W., “Bill” Tuesday, March 28th, 2017, age 92. Loving husband of Lee…
Hebbring, Mary C. Passed away peacefully surrounded by her loving family on Tuesday, March 28, 2017…
Kriehn, Gordon C. Called home to the Lord on Tuesday, March 28, 2017 at the age of 92 years old.…
Grace Cichocki (nee Obremski) passed away peacefully and has now joined her best friend and husband…
Henkel, Sr. Agnes Marie, SSSF March 27th, 2017. Age 89. Survived by her sister Frances Henkel, many…
Carol M. Wagner (nee Suminski) Born to Eternal Life March 27, 2017, age 70 years. Beloved wife of…
Mary Anne Saltzstein “Chickie” (nee Eppstein) Of Bayside, WI. Age 88, died March 24,…
Weber, Sandra L. (nee Kuckes) Called home to the Lord on Wednesday March 22, 2017 at the age of 75…