
Although he was tall in stature, it was the character of Nels Goodmann that made him someone to…

A gracious woman whose focus was always on others, Shirley Kopf was such a blessing to all who were…

Gordon, Mary Louise (nee Werner) of Franklin, WI passed away November 5th, 2016 aged 67. She was…

Truly beautiful on the inside and out, Eileen Falkey was a blessing to everyone she met. From the…

(Nee Hoepfner) Of Greendale. Born to Eternal Life unexpectedly on Thurs. Nov. 3, 2016, age 52…

Haladej, Barbara Jane (nee Bolanowski) Reunited with her beloved husband Edwin of 63 years on…

Schwind, Sister Mary Peter, OSF. Born to Eternal Life Wed., Nov. 2, 2016, age 98. Survivors include…

Miller, Merlene (Nee Fehr) Passed to eternal life on Tuesday, November 1st, 2016 at the age of 92…

Witt, Don Age 79, of Brookfield, Wisconsin peacefully passed away at home on Monday, October 31,…

Cathy passed away on October 30, 2016 after a long illness as a result of a stroke. She was born…

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