
Rupena, Dolores M., (nee Kocha) Found peace on Wednesday Oct. 7th, 2015, age 95. Beloved wife of…

Zjaba, Albert “Al” Passed away on October 6, 2015, age 84 years. Beloved husband of…

Chu, Sister Eugenio, OSF. Born to Eternal Life Tues., Oct. 6, 2015, age 93. Survivors include the…

Patricia Ann Piwaron was an exceptional woman whose roots went deep and interests spread wide. She…

Pulkowski, Donna Louise Found peace on October 5, 2015 at the age of 59. She was born a special…

Koenig, Dolores V. (nee Mavis) Passed away Monday, October 5, 2015 age 95 years. Beloved mother of…

Arturo Santiago Born to Eternal Life Sunday, October 4, 2015; age 64 years. Father of Michelle,…

Thompson, Carol J., October 3rd, 2015, age 82. Beloved wife of the late Myron. Loving mother of…

Brandt, August D. October 3, 2015, age 90. Beloved husband of the late Geraldine (nee Templer) for…

A strong, hardworking, yet quiet man, Jeffrey Pollnow threw himself into life. He enjoyed being…

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