William “Bill” Howard Ubert was successful in his work and family life. His innovative…
Kassel, Mildred V., (nee Motelet) Milly started her journey to her new life August 12, 2014, at the…
Kozak, Henry M. “Hank” Passed away peacefully on Tuesday, August 12, 2014 age 91 years.…
Caron, Raymond F., Born in Escanaba Michigan. Passed away on Tuesday August 12th, 2014 age 74…
To run in Milwaukee journal on Wednesday August 13th Krieger, Susan E., (nee Kehoe) August 11th,…
MOOSE LODGE EMBLEM Neassen, Caroline T. (nee Czajkowski) August 10, 2014. Beloved wife of the late…
Ignasiak, Theodore John “Ted” Ted heard the “happy” polka music playing, he…
Florence MacGillis (nee Payleitner) Passed away peacefully after complications due to a fall August…
Olson, Joyce T. Our dear mother, passed away peacefully on August 9, 2014 at the age of 86.…
McLaughlin, Kathleen F., (nee Stephens) Born on January 5th, 1946 in Baldwin, WI to Michael J. and…