
The Rev. Dr. Mark C. Behring, 67, of Humble, Texas, was called home to eternal life by his Lord and…

Coretia Cira (nee Gosetti) Beloved wife of the late Snooky Cira. Loving mother of Jeffrey Cira.…

Galke, Marylynn “Mutzie” (nee Tyborski) Monday, November 18th, 2013, age 87. Beloved…

Fritsch, Leona M. (nee Graf) November 18, 2013 age 97 years. Beloved wife of the late Francis. Dear…

Schaper, Lucile D. (Nee Dhein) Passed away Monday, November 18, 2013 at the age of 98 years. Born…

Stein Sr, Charles F. Passed away peacefully on November 18, 2013 at the age of 74 to join his bride…

Hurley, Judith M. (Nee LePine) Recently of the Villages of Florida. Formerly of Milwaukee. Passed…

Nowicki, Bernice I., (nee Walczak) Born to Eternal Life on Friday November 15th, 2013 at the age of…

Gauger, Gary A. Called home to the Lord on Friday, November 15, 2013 at the age of 72 years.…

Kneser, Clarence Jr., Friday November 15th, 2013 age 86. Loving husband of the late Dorothy Kneser…

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