Shadof, Luanne H. Of Independence, MO. Called home to the Lord on Thurs. July 4, 2013 age 59 years.…
Melvin E. Branovan Of Fox Point, WI and Cape Coral, FL passed away peacefully on Tuesday, July 2,…
Levenhagen, Virginia C. (Nee Stallman) Age 95, died Monday July 1, 2013. Visitation will be held…
Although there are countless questions that will remain unanswered on this side of heaven, those…
In all ways, Libby Bloom was a true companion to the husband she loved. She was just as devoted to…
Dembinski, Alyce (nee Brukbacker) Tuesday, June 25th, 2013. At the age of 91. Beloved wife of the…
Bristow, Gilbert William, Born in Milwaukee on March 13, 1919, and entered Eternal Life on Monday,…
Swanson Jr., Charles A., Passed away Monday June 24, 2013 at the age of 94 years. Charles was a…
Ostrander, Irmgard (nee Hastreiter) Called home to the Lord on Monday June 24th, 2013, age 73.…
Although her days numbered far less than many are given in which to compose their life’s…