Cerdàn, Carmen (Nee Najera) Went home to the Lord surrounded by family on Saturday, June 8,…
Mueller, Cecilia “Ceil” On June 5th, 2013, Ceil went home to the Lord. She is survived…
Wierzbicki, Catherine A. Passed away peacefully on June 5, 2013 at the age of 84. Loving wife of…
Lampier, Ruth E., (nee Schallock) Tuesday, June 4th 2013 age 94. Beloved wife of the late Ken…
Frederick H. Voight, of Oak Creek, Wisconsin died Tuesday, June 4, 2013 at The Clement J. Zablocki…
Gabrus, Donald J. Passed away Monday, June 3, 2013 age 79 years. Preceded in death by his first…
Faupl, John C. Age 96 years, born to Eternal Life June 3, 2013. Beloved husband of Rosemary Faupl…
Puhek, Joseph J. Passed away Sunday, June 2nd, 2013 at the age of 92 years. Dear husband of the…
Reinemann, Arthur P. Went Home to be with his Savior on Sunday, June 2, 2013, at the age of 96…
Jean J. Frackman (nee Krasno) May 31, 2013, age 91. Cherished wife of the late Bernard J. Beloved…