
Shirley Lynn Foster Rogahn (April 6, 1927–August 22, 2012) Shirley Rogahn, retired pharmacist…

Parent, Johanna “Joanne” nee Karl Born to Eternal Life on August 21, 2012 at the age of…

Ninnemann, Daniel E. Was called home on Tuesday August 21, 2012 at the age of 50. Dear father of…

Gloria D. King Aug. 21, 2012. Age 68 years. Preceded in death by her cherished friend, Leonard…

Biggs, Adam Michael Died unexpectedly, surrounded by his family on Aug. 19, 2012 at the age of 21…

Bruss, Peggy Nee Kruse August 19, 2012, age 66. Beloved wife of Bob. Loving mother of Phyllis Irv…

Known for his quick wit and fun loving personality, Joel Buchholz certainly put the spice into the…

Joswick, Richard Passed peacefully on Friday, August 17, 2012, age 90 yrs. Reunited with his…

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