Gennrich, Lillian L. Of Franklin, WI. Passed away Sunday, June 5, 2011. Preceded in death by…
Sister Anne Sophia Zander SSSF Went to her true home June, 5 2011. Daughter of the late Jacob J.…
Borowski , Beatrice M. Age 84 years. Nee – Poznanski. Died on June 4, 2011, after a long…
Weiss, Sr. Virginia, OSF Formerly Sr. Ann Joseph Born to eternal life June 4, 2011, at the age of…
Burke, Ruth K. nee Kathan Passed away Saturday June 4, 2011 at the age of 86 years. Beloved wife of…
Wilson, Marilyn J. nee Nelson Has gone to be with her Heavenly Father on June 3, 2011 at the age of…
Jones, Jacob K. “Jake” Friday, June 3, 2011 age 20 years. Beloved son of Patti Bob…
Hills, Josephine MarjorieNee Wittkopf Born to Eternal Life Thurs. June 2nd, 2011 age 82 years.…
Brodaczynski, Justine K. “Tina” Passed away Thursday, June 2, 2011 age 94 years. Tina…
It was easy to love and admire everything about Evelyn. With childlike faith, she was just a kid at…