
Nelson, Shirley J. nee Hagen Passed away June 8, 2010 at the age of 79 years. Preceded in death by…

Tyloch, Dorothy E. nee Robrahn Sunday, June 6, 2010, age 78 years. Beloved wife of the late Walter…

Kukulski, Lorraine M. Nee Eberhardy Sat. June 5th, 2010, age 85 years. Preceded in death by her…

Burge, Ronald M. “Butch” Friday June 4, 2010 age 64 years. Loving brother of Bill Mary,…

Wuhrmann, Jerome August Passed away peacefully June 4, 2010, age 68. Loving husband of Betty.…

Langenberg, Arthur J. ?Art? Born to Eternal Life Friday, June 4th, 2010 at the age of 89 years.…

Berge, Patricia K. “Patty” Thursday, June 3, 2010, age 20 years. Daughter of Kelly…

Fink, Mariam E. Age 82 yrs. Passed away June 3, 2010. Beloved wife for 60 yrs of Maynard K. Fink.…

Splinter, Frank A., Died unexpectedly June 1, 2010 age 63 while working in his yard completing his…

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