Cornelius, Isaac Jack “Jake” Lovingly known as “Jake” of Jackson, WI, age…
Abel, Louis C. “Louie” Found peace Saturday May 30 at the age of 80. Preceded in death…
Zimmermann, Beverly ?Bev? Found peace May 30, 2009 age 77. Beloved wife of Wayne for 57 years.…
Masarik, Ermine nee Waraksa. Rose to Eternal Life on May 30, 2009 at the age of 87 yrs. Beloved…
Westfall, Violet P. nee Lewis May 30, 2009 age 83 yrs. Beloved wife of the late Edmund. Dear mother…
Kinney, William J. “Mouse” a resident of the Tomah VA Home, William passed away May 29,…
Lund, Thomas A. Born to eternal life May 28, 2009, age 87. Beloved husband of the late Jo Nee…
Petroff , Robert M. May 27, 2009 age 67 years. Husband of Judith. Loving father of Rebecca Jim…
Rodriguez, Tomas Beloved husband of Margarita Diaz. Father of Joe, Yvette, Yvonne, Tony, Juan…
Kuszewski, Daniel H. “Dan” May 23, 2009 age 63 yrs. Beloved husband of Susan…