Wendorf, Dolores A. Nee Riegel Tuesday June 24, 2008 age 90 years. Loving wife of the late Harry A.…
Wallaik, Fr. William H. God, the merciful Lord over life and death called his servant Fr. Wallaik…
Horwath, Yvette D. Nee- Kroll June 23, 2008 Age 78. Beloved wife of John H. Horwath. Loving mother…
Chmielewski, George T. Born to eternal life June 23, 2008, age 81 years. Joined his beloved wife…
Laabs, Arthur R. Sr. Born to eternal life June 21, 2008, age 83 years. Beloved husband of Lorraine…
Rutter, Bernice nee Schachtschneider Born to Eternal Life Friday, June 20, 2008, age 84 years.…
Cournoyer, James A. of Ladysmith, WI formerly of Oak Creek. Mon. June 16, 2008 age 46 yrs. Loving…
Chapman, Lucille C. Nee Behling Left the loving arms of her family for the loving arms of her Lord…
Mittelstaedt, Thomas Passed away from complications of a heart attack Sat. June 14, 2008, age 60.…
Prochnow, Lawrence A. “Larry” Born to Eternal Life June 13, 2008, age 81. Beloved…