
Szymczak, Henry A.”Hank” December 20, 2007 Age 86 Beloved husband of the late Aurelia.…

Gamboeck, Martin Dec. 20, 2007 age 58 yrs. Dear brother of Carl and Fritz. Further survived by…

Masch, Beverly A. Nee Langer Found peace Dec. 19, 2007, age 77, Beloved wife of the late William.…

Just, Dixie L. nee- Wetzel of Oak Creek. December 19, 2007 Age 71 Beloved wife the late John H.…

Boll, Agnes B., Formerly Giese, Nee Heine. Of Appleton, formerly of Milwaukee. Born January 18,…

Schlei, Roland G. Of Oak Creek, Born to Eternal Life on Monday, December 17, 2007 at the age of 73…

Goldman, Lois L. Nee Lucht Born to Eternal Life Saturday, December 15, 2007, age 70 years. Beloved…

nee Frank Passed away in Peshtigo formerly of Town of Raymond and Crivitz on Friday, December 14,…

Endthoff, Vera H. Nee Dakins Found Peace on Thurs. Dec. 13, 2007, age 88 years. Beloved wife of the…

Smith, Eleanore Anne nee Potrykus Dec. 13, 2007 age 93 yrs. Beloved wife of the late Arthur Jospeh.…

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