Pfc. Evan Andrew
Generous and kind, passionate and committed, United States Marine Corps Private First Class Evan Andrew Bath lived a life rich in faith, family, and service to others. Never one to demand the spotlight, Evan possessed a strong moral code and a willingness to stand for what he believed was right. A friend for life, Evan’s loyalty was unquestionable, and his determination unwavering. A devoted son, grandson, brother, and friend, he had a terrific sense of humor and just enough sneakiness to keep life interesting. Though his days with us were far too few, the gift of his life will long be remembered in the hearts and lives of those who were blessed to know him.
2001 was a year of incredible change. As the Apple Computer Company released its iTunes program and NASA’s Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous Shoemaker spacecraft (NEAR) became the first spacecraft to land on an asteroid, the year began with much hope and national pride. It was upon this wave of pride and hope that, on May 28, 2001, Memorial Day, Aleta (nee Williamson) and Andrew Bath welcomed their son into the world at St. Luke’s Hospital in Milwaukee, Wisconsin.
Born on the day our nation honors our soldiers who died in battle, and growing up in the wake of 9/11, Evan’s childhood was built on the firm foundation of faith, loyalty, and the willingness to be of service. The only child of Aleta and Andrew, Evan grew up in a loving home where he learned the importance of hard work and sacrifice. While his mother worked as an executive secretary, his father honed his craft as a carpenter. Evan loved helping his Nana Williamson cook, clean, and sew, and he cheerfully followed his mother around to help her. The highlight of his day was when his dad returned home from work. It was then that the two would share their special daily playtime.
While the family lived for a time in New Orleans and Texas, Evan grew up in Oak Creek, Wisconsin, as well as a few other cities in southeastern Wisconsin. Despite his Midwest upbringing. He always considered himself a “southern boy” at heart and hoped to move back to Texas someday. When he was around 4 or 5 years old, Evan had a keen interest in trains. While visiting West Virginia, his parents took him on a memorable train ride; he was beyond excited to step out between the train cars.
As a young boy, Evan enjoyed taking things apart to see how they worked but was never good at putting them back together. Legos and video games were his go-to toys, and he loved dressing up in costumes. A fan of Star Wars and Indiana Jones, his firefighter and adventure wear were quickly left behind for military garb.
At the age of 14, Evan received the Holy Ghost August 30, 2015 at Parkway Church. Evan loved God, and he enjoyed helping out at the Church Sunday School and Bible study. Though he didn’t like getting up early on Sunday morning to go to church, his mother would often find him in his room praying.
During his teen years, Evan became interested in his own ancestry. He was very proud when he learned that he had descended from Viking “royalty.” His interest in his ancestry sparked an equal interest in history, especially Medieval times and anything to do with Vikings. He played strategy and war games that had Medieval and Viking themes on his laptop and would make up detailed maps and write backstories for the characters in these games. He also loved telling stories from history and could throw out dates and details that would impress any historical scholar.
Evan enjoyed watching old episodes of Gomer Pyle, Gilligan’s Island, and Hogan’s Heroes. The Rocky and Rambo movies were also favorites while watching SpongeBob SquarePants and drinking buckets of sweet tea were his guilty pleasures. Though he wasn’t really interested in football, Evan proudly donned the Dallas Cowboys hat his Uncle Shawn gave him. In spite of living in Packers’ territory, his love of Texas soon had him enthusiastically rooting for the Cowboys.
As Evan’s senior year in high school approached, he decided to transfer from Oak Creek High School to Connections Academy. The online school afforded him the flexibility to set his own schedule. Answering the call to protect his country, it was at this time that Evan decided he would enlist in the Marines once he graduated. With signature passion and discipline, Evan set his goals on being as fit as possible when he entered the service. Once his school work was complete, his focus switched to working out. To ensure he could fit all his workouts into his day, schedules became very important to Evan. As a result, his dad came to fondly call him the “Schedule Master.”
On July 29, 2019, Evan proudly joined the United States Marine Corps. While facing the rigors of boot camp, Evan began reflecting on life and family relationships. He wrote his mother frequently and often sent home prayer requests for his friends. Evan quickly became good friends with Zach Nichols. He and Zach shared their faith and prayed together, and Evan even grew close to Zach’s parents. Upon returning home on leave from boot camp, he asked his mother and Aunt Brenda if they would host an early Thanksgiving dinner for the whole family while he was back. They gladly obliged, and Evan was delighted to have everyone he cared so much about all together.
Evan served the first half of bootcamp with Lima Company, however due to medical issues he graduated bootcamp with Bravo Company. Based on his score on the Department of Defense’s rigorous Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (ASVAB) test, he was given the option to choose from the majority of the possible Military Operational Specialties (MOS) to focus his military career. Without hesitation, Evan chose the infantry. After Infantry Training Battalion (ITB) and Military Operational Specialties (MOS) training, his Permanent Duty Station (PDS) was at Camp Pendleton as an infantryman in the 15th Marine Expeditionary Unit (MEU), 1/4 Bravo Company. Honored to be a part of two great units he cared deeply about, Evan embraced his call to service with dignity, discipline, commitment, and courage. Ultimately sacrificing his life for his country, along with eight of his military brothers, Evan proved a hero whose life will long inspire those who will carry his legacy forward.
PFC Evan Andrew Bath died in a training accident off the coast of California on July 30, 2020, at the age of 19. Evan is the beloved son of Aleta Williamson Bath and Andrew (Courtney) Bath. He is the dear step-brother of Ashleigh Delnero and Natalie Hubbard. He is the loving grandson of John and Gerilyn Bath, and Larry and Linda Williamson. The dear nephew of Eric and Brenda Bath, Chris and Christine Bath, and Summer and Shawn Daniel. Evan is the “adopted nephew” of Jacob Davies and Rob and Aimee Jadrnicek, he is further survived by other relatives, friends, and his United States Marine Corps Family.
In lieu of flowers, to honor Evan, memorials can be directed to Brothers In Arms Foundation or gofundme/ In Memory of Pfc Evan Bath USMC
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