Telemachus Lesbines, 87, passed away peacefully on November 9, 2015.
Tele was born in Middletown, CT on October 29, 1928 to Harry and Marika (née Xenelis) Lesbines.
Long-time resident of Milwaukee, Tele was the principal percussionist and timpanist of the Milwaukee Symphony Orchestra for thirty years. He was also a dedicated teacher, working to instill his passion for music at such institutions as the Milwaukee Conservatory, Alverno College and UWM, compiling a long list of successful former students. Tele earned a B.A. from the Hartt School of Music in addition to private instruction with leading players and teachers in the country. Anyone who knew Tele knew that his love for music was at the heart of who he was. He was happiest when he was passing along this love to others.
Tele is survived by his former wife Elsie (née Terafino) and five children, Andrew (Katherine Bowes), Christopher, Gregory, Diana (Alex) Braier, and Melissa; seven grandchildren who were the light of his life; Zachary, Rebecca, Andrew, Elena, Anthony, Sophia and Ari; and a brother and sister; Nicholas R. Lesbines and Athena Nisotis. Funeral and burial will take place privately with his immediate family.
Contributions in his honor can be mailed to the Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra, 325 W. Walnut Street, Milwaukee, WI 53212. (Checks should be made payable to “Milwaukee Youth Symphony Orchestra” or “MYSO.” Please write “In Memory of Tele Lesbines” in the memo portion of your check). Donations can also be made online at www.myso.org – when donating online, list Tele Lesbines in the gift designation section.
Tele was a great guy and a mentor to many, including one of my very close friends. A few years after we graduated from the Conservatory (back when it was a degree-giving institution) we were making a pop record in Chicago. Tele lent us a (very expensive) bass marimba for the recording sessions. He was just generous and kind like that. The estimable Margaret Hawkins, my mentor, loved him.